Twitter acquires ad-free reading service Scroll for upcoming subscriptions on the platform

Twitter officially declared that it has acquired an ad-free reading service Scroll on the platform, only for the users those have paid subscription. Twitter said that the publishers who will work with Scroll might earn more money than they could by selling the advertisement. The Super follow feature that was introduced by Twitter earlier this year, provides users access to various excusive deals along with the content to creators for a monthly sum. The intention of Twitter official to acquire the ad-free reading service Scroll is that the micro-blogging site is looking to build and shape a future subscription service on Twitter. Scroll will allow the users to read and access the content without any disturbance of ads, pop-ups, and other clutter. Using Scroll, user can have access to pure content and might get many other benefits for their paid subscription from Twitter. Usually, ads are very disturbing and distract  users from the content they read or look  at. Using the Scroll feature, user can get free from such trouble and can gain access to just the content of the micro-blogging site.

Twitter notes that working with scroll,  helps the publisher to earn more that they would from the traditional ads page. Using Scroll, user gets the benefit to read and access the news articles from various publishers and that too free from ads. The publishers interlinked with Scroll feature are Insider, BuzzFeed, The Verge and USA Today. TechCrunch, which is an online American newspaper reported that a Scroll team of 13 people will be onboarded by Twitter to look after the Scroll features, task, and Issue. The terms of the deals signed with this acquisition has not yet declared, as they are still under some discussion and negotiation among the Twitter officials.

Tony Haile, CEO of the Scroll group, said that Twitter is such a platform which serves the public conversation. Twitter helps to initiate, energize, and inform people about the ongoing condition of the world. Tony also added that Twitter also helps users stand in one another’s shoes and helps in understanding each other’s humanity. The mission that Twitter has assigned Scroll team is to take the model and the platform of Scroll and use it on Twitter, to make sure that everyone who uses Twitter gets an opportunity to experience an ad free content without any frustration.

This would benefit the people who love news and pay to sustainably support it. With this acquisition, scroll team would temporarily suspend new sign-ups on their platform and work with Twitter to include themselves in the subscription plans of Twitter. This would also help Scroll to increase their online presence and also help in growing their publishers. Twitter after previously acquiring newsletter platform Revue, has been working to offer new content type which includes audio and long form content. The Super Follow feature introduced by Twitter earlier this year will provide access to new contents, exclusive deals for a monthly charge. Twitter has also acquired Podcast app Breaker earlier this year.

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