Three Indian-American CEOs join steering committee of Global Task force

Three Indian-American CEOs Sunder Pichai from Google, Punit Renjen from Deloitte and Shantanu Narayen from Adobe have joined the directing advisory group of the Global Task Force on Pandemic Response, which is administering a phenomenal corporate area drive to assist India with battling against COVID19. The names of the three Indian-American CEOs were added to the rundown of the controlling panel on Thursday. The three CEOs have been active in getting sorted out the US organizations’ reaction to the COVID-19 emergency in India. Other people who were added to the rundown on Thursday are Mark Suzman, CEO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Joshua Bolten, president and CEO, Business Roundtable and Suzanne Clark, president and CEO, US Chamber of Commerce.

The team is a recently formed public-private partnership coordinated by the US Chamber of Commerce and upheld by Business Roundtable. To help address the Covid-19 rise in India, the task force is working to take quick and immediate action together with the Chamber’s US-India Business Council and the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum. The US corporate area so far has submitted in excess of 25,000 oxygen concentrators for India. The initial 1,000 oxygen concentrators, given by Deloitte, showed up in India on April 25, with basic calculated support from FedEx. These concentrators will be dispatched to assigned medical services offices for immediate use, the team said. The first shipment of ventilators arrived in India early this week. 1,000 ventilators are required to arrive at India by June 3. Medtronic will give start to finish backing to the drive. 16 organizations have joined the team’s ventilator drive.

“Together these organizations will give over USD 30 million in help for India’s medical care reaction – joining the many organizations which have swore their help in endeavors to give oxygen concentrators, create data and best practices to help workers in India,” the team said. As indicated by the team, while the nation has been revealing more than 4,00,000 cases day by day, the real case rate in India is assessed to be a lot higher. Specialists gauge the emergency will just deteriorate, with India’s pinnacle not expected until mid-May, it said.

Different individuals from the controlling panel incorporate Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture; Andy Jassy, the CEO of Amazon, Brian Moynihan, Chairman of the Board, Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, and CEO, Bank of America; Arvind Krishna, Chairman and CEO, IBM and Raj Subramaniam, president FedEx; and. Gail McGovern, president and CEO, American Red Cross; Mike Parra, CEO Americas, DHL Express; Jim Fitterling, Chairman and CEO, Dow; Alex Gorsky, chairman of the Board and CEO, Michael Miebach, CEO, Mastercard;  Johnson and Johnson; Brad Smith, president, Microsoft; Geoff Martha, chairman and CEO, Medtronic; Ramon Laguarta, Chairman of the Board and CEO, PepsiCo; Sanjay Poonen, COO, VMware; Carol Tomé, CEO, UPS; and Judith McKenna, President and CEO, Walmart International are likewise individuals of the team. Till date, more than 45 US organizations and affiliations have added to the Global Task Force’s exercises. While the team is focusing in beginning endeavors on the squeezing need in India, extra working gatherings will be formed to address COVID-19 floods in different nations.

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