Soon a plane could fly through Venus’s atmosphere

Soon the project to fly a plan through Venus atmosphere could come true as one could observe the Venusian surface from 50km up sampling the acidic alien atmosphere directly. The temperature of Venus hovers around 460 degree Celsius. An inflatable propeller plane is to be build by US aerospace company that could fly through Venus atmosphere in 2021. However, there is a still battle going on with NASA for the funding of 1Billion USD to get this plane off the ground. The Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform (VAMP), which is a concept for the vehicle drawn by the company Northrop Grumman would have a wingspan of 55 meters with an estimated top speed of 220km/hr. The VAMP vehicle would fly in a more forgiving environment.  This vehicle would flown from 50km to 70km above the surface of Venus, in a region of the atmosphere where the pressure is roughly equal to that on Earth. The Vamp would carry up to 200Kg of instruments such as cameras and atmospheric samplers. Temperature is said to be 15 degree Celsius at the altitude of Venus. Space will carry the plane to the Venus and would enter the atmosphere b detaching as soon it is in the atmosphere of Venus. Constantine Tsang from Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado said that surviving on the surface of Venus for longer than four hours and getting a high-resolution data is a big Challenge. Also, a series of Russian probes once were sent to the Planet Venus around in 1960s, 70s and 80s who were called as the Venera spacecraft. These Venera spacecraft were able to survive a very few hours on the surface of the Venus planet. This Mission of flying a plane in the Venus atmosphere is under working since 2015 and is now set to complete in the Year 2021.

Soon the project to fly an airplane through Venus atmosphere could come true as one could observe the Venusian surface from 50km up sampling the acidic alien atmosphere directly. The temperature of Venus hovers around 460 degree Celsius. An inflatable propeller plane is to be built by the US aerospace company that could fly through Venus atmosphere in 2021.

However, there is a still battle going on with NASA for the funding of 1Billion USD to get this plane off the ground. The Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform (VAMP), which is a concept for the vehicle drawn by the company Northrop Grumman would have a wingspan of 55 meters with an estimated top speed of 220km/hr. The VAMP vehicle would fly in a more forgiving environment.

This vehicle would be flown from 50km to 70km above the surface of Venus, in a region of the atmosphere where the pressure is roughly equal to that on Earth. The Vamp would carry up to 200Kg of instruments such as cameras and atmospheric samplers. Temperature is said to be 15 degree Celsius at the altitude of Venus. Space will carry the plane to the Venus and would enter the atmosphere by detaching as soon it is in the atmosphere of Venus. Constantine Tsang from Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado said that surviving on the surface of Venus for longer than four hours and getting a high-resolution data is a big Challenge.

Also, a series of Russian probes once were sent to the Planet Venus around in 1960s, 70s and 80s which were called as the Venera spacecrafts. These Venera spacecrafts were able to survive a very few hours on the surface of the Venus planet. This Mission of flying a plane in the Venus atmosphere is under working since 2015 and is now set to complete in the Year 2021.

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