New Zealand bans travelers from India.

Many countries all around the world have experienced passenger dealing with Covid-19 arriving from India. It is not only New Zealand that has experienced a spike in the number of cases in their country. With taking into consideration, the increasing number of the covid-19 patients in India, countries like New Zealand and many others, have imposed a ban on the flights from India. New Zealand announced on last Thursday, it was suspending entry of travelers from India, including its own citizens. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in a news conference in Wellington that the suspension will take effect from April 11 and will be in place till April 28.

The reason for New Zealand to ban Indian passengers was that it recorded around 23 new positive cases at its border among which, 17 were Indians. The South Pacific nation has almost virtually eliminated the coronavirus, as they have not reported any locally transmitted cases for about 40 days. After such successful elimination, 17 patients at the border were detected Positive which made the New Zealand officials to take this crucial decision to ban Indian passengers for specific time l imit. Not only the Indian Passengers are suffering from the virus, but also the New Zealand residents are not allowed to enter their land for a specific time limit. New Zealand do not want their citizens to enter under any risk as the rolling average positive cases have been increased to 7 cases in New Zealand, which  is the highest number after October 2020.

The same Law has been imposed on the passengers coming from Brazil, Greece, Canada too. Along with India, countries like Brazil, Greece, and Canada are also experiencing a high spike in the number of Covid-19 patients. In many of the countries, flights that operate from India, either are special flights designated to bringing back the citizens of a country, or are flights operating under the air bubble arrangement. As of today, 27 countries have air bubble arrangements with India including the US,  UK, Germany, France, Japan, Qatar, Russia, and the UAE. The increasing number of Covid-19 cases has been one of the key reasons behind imposed restrictions on the entry at their borders. It is not clear that how many countries would impose flight ban from India.  Health Canada officials said that nearly one third of international flights that landed in Canada between March 3 and  March 19 from Delhi, had passengers that were tested positive.

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