Mines Ministry issues framework for non-ferrous metal scrap recycling

In India, the Mines Ministry has developed a framework for the reuse of non-ferrous materials, including aluminium and copper, with the aim of reducing the purchase of scrap items. The Ministry of Mines also believes that one of the biggest challenges faced by the non-ferrous metals industry is its high reliance on steel imports and stressed that imports are due to higher demand owing to underdeveloped metal scrap collection, fragmentation and processing of domestic market infrastructure. The Ministry of Mines will work to develop a waste recycling system for effective recycling. National Framework for Non-Ferrous Metal Scrap Recycling, 2020 seeks to implement a life cycle management system to make the mineral value system more efficient was said by the Ministry of Mines.

The framework aims to bring both the product and the processing into order to promote the recycling of non-ferrous metals. Demand for aluminium has increased by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.77%. Production has also increased from 3.3 million tonnes (MT) in 2015 to approximately 5 MT in 2019 with a CAGR of 11.19%. Given the growing demand for aluminium in the future, there will be a strong reliance on domestic production and imports. Since aluminium is an energy-intensive sector, the demand for fuel, i.e., coal, which is the main source of energy for the production and processing of aluminium, will also increase.

Such dependence on non-renewable resources is not in line with the goals of sustainable global development and will lead to high carbon footprint. Also, meeting the growing demand for imports could lead to trade inequality. Therefore, recycling becomes a viable option as it requires 95% less energy to recycle aluminium than to produce primary aluminium, said the mines ministry.

Demand for copper in India is expected to grow by 6-7% due to the expansion of the Centre towards ‘Make in India’ and ‘Smart City’, industrial road development, housing for all Indians by 2022, National Highway development project, project railway and production protection policy to promote indigenous practice, according to the ministry. The electric vehicle (EV) market is expected to see growth in the coming years. Copper is critical to EV technology and its supporting infrastructure, and the increase in EVs in the market will have a significant impact on the demand  for copper. Demand for copper for EVs is expected to grow by 1.7 million tons by 2027. Per capita consumption of copper in India is expected to increase from the current level of 0.6 kg to 1 kg by 2025.

If India’s per capita consumption of copper moves towards the world’s per capita consumption of copper of 2.7 kg, the country’s copper market will have the potential for significant growth. Imports of copper increased at CAGR by 10.65% over the past five years. Currently, India is an importer of copper, a certain percentage of the growing demand for copper can be met in the country through recycling.

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