India And the UK Have Decided to Strengthen Their Vaccine Collaboration

On Tuesday, India and the United Kingdom agreed to extend their health partnership to ensure an equal global vaccine supply by April 2022. Because of the increase in the number of covid-19 cases in India, this was one of the highlights of the India-UK Summit, which was discussed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his British counterpart Boris Johnson.

“Both leaders recognised the challenging circumstances created by the pandemic globally” and “emphasised that global cooperation and unity are crucial to combating the pandemic and ensuring sustainable and inclusive recovery,” according to a joint statement released by the two countries at the end of the summit.

Modi thanked Johnson for the UK’s fast response in assisting India as it battled a crippling second wave of covid-19. Oxygen-related equipment, such as concentrators and ventilators, has been sent from the United Kingdom. Oxygen, as well as critical drugs and intensive care beds, have been in short supply in Indian hospitals, especially in New Delhi.

India and the United Kingdom have already begun working together to combat the pandemic. A  vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca is being produced in India under the brand name “Covishield,” and is one of two vaccines that the government is using to immunise the population.

During the meeting, the two leaders agreed to extend and strengthen the current UK-India vaccines’ partnership, highlighting the fruitful collaboration between Oxford University, Astra Zeneca, and the Serum Institute of India on an effective Covid19 vaccine that is “produced in the UK,” “made in India,” and “distributed globally,” according to the press release.

They agreed to work together to reform and reinforce the WHO (World Health Organization) and the global health security architecture to strengthen pandemic resilience, and they stressed that the international community should learn lessons.

The two countries were looking to deepen cooperation in vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, as well as expanding the UK-India Vaccines Hub to improve distribution policy, clinical trials, legislation, science, and innovation relevant to Covid-19, helping guarantee equitable global supply by April 2022,according to the India-UK Vision 2030 paper.

According to the Vision paper, the two parties agreed to build on the excellent collaboration on the AstraZeneca/Oxford University Vaccine with India’s Serum Institute and explore manufacturing deals beyond Covid19 to tackle other infectious diseases and introduce co-developed technologies to market.

As a ‘Global Force for Good’ in health, the UK and India will use collective science and innovation strength to solve the world’s most pressing health issues, save lives, and enhance health and well-being, according to laying the groundwork for future health cooperation.

“We will broaden and deepen the India-UK Health Partnership to improve global health protection and pandemic resilience, demonstrate leadership on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), promote safe communities, and strengthen both our health systems through increased clinical education, health worker mobility, and digital health collaboration” it said

To achieve the goals outlined in the Vision plan, the two countries will meet on a regular basis at the ministerial level to discuss strategic priorities for health-care cooperation. The two countries will collaborate to strengthen global medical supply chains, ensuring that vital supplies of drugs, vaccines, logistics, diagnostics, and other medical products meet those in need.

It stated that India and the United Kingdom will commit jointly to the multilateral initiative, including through the COVAX facility, to promote equal vaccine access for developing countries.

The two countries agreed to form an India-UK Digital Health Partnership to promote greater cooperation on digital health initiatives, including the sharing of best practises. India and the UK will improve processes to encourage increased permanent or short-term exchanges of doctors and nurses. They will also seek access for Indian pharma products to the NHS(National Health Scheme) and recognition of Indian generic and Ayurvedic medicines that meet UK regulatory requirements, as well as increase opportunities for generic medicine supply from India to the UK.

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