Category Archives: Health

Global Patient-Controlled Analgesic Pumps Market Share 2022: Global Trends, Key Players, Industry Analysis Report to 2028

The Global Patient-Controlled Analgesic Pumps Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 4% during 2021-2027. This predominance is due to increased use to manage persistent cancer pain. Very strong opioid drugs such as hydromorphine, morphine, and fentanyl via PCA injection are prescribed by doctors to treat intolerable pain. Increasing adoption of […]

Gas Chromatography Market Share 2022: Global Trends, Key Players, Industry Analysis Report to 2028

The Gas Chromatography Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 3% during 2021-2027. Gas chromatography (GC) is a type of chromatography used to analyze and separate compounds that can vaporize without decomposition. It is used to test the purity of substances and to separate other components in mixtures. Gas chromatography is also […]

Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Market Trends 2022 | Segmentation, Outlook, Industry Report to 2028

The Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 4% during 2021-2027. The increasing prevalence of erectile dysfunction is driving the global erectile dysfunction (ED) market. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, cardiovascular disease, spinal cord injury, high blood pressure, and side effects […]

Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals and Contrast Media Market Share 2022: Global Trends, Key Players, Industry Analysis Report to 2028

The Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals and Contrast Media Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 4% during 2021-2027. Diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals are molecules containing drugs with radioactive isotopes that target specific tissues/organs, and are intended for diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and hyperthyroidism. Radiopharmaceuticals are used extensively in a […]

Buttock Augmentation Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Buttock Augmentation Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 20% during 2021-2027. Buttock implants are silicone implants that are inserted into the buttocks through an incision between the buttocks. Buttock injections are also available, which are naturally minimally invasive and are gaining popularity among individuals. In addition, hip lifts or […]

Antivirus Coatings Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Antivirus Coatings Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 12% during 2021-2027. Viruses are a group of heterogeneous organisms that feed on the body of their host. Since they do not carry out their own metabolic activities, they live completely dependent on their host. Protection from viruses may require that […]

Adjunctive Hemostats Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Adjunctive Hemostats Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 6% during 2021-2027. Hemostats are used to compress blood vessels and prevent the flow of blood or other body fluids. They are usually used as an adjunct to surgical procedures to manage bleeding. Hemostatic agents offer a number of benefits, including […]

Tick-Borne Encephalitis Inactivated Vaccine Market Trends 2022 | Segmentation, Outlook, Industry Report to 2028

The Tick-Borne Encephalitis Inactivated Vaccine Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 6% during 2021-2027. The tick-borne encephalitis inactivated vaccine is used to protect the life of the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus. The virus is transmitted and spread by being bitten by an infectious tick or by ingesting the milk of […]

Tele Dermatology Market Share 2022: Global Trends, Key Players, Industry Analysis Report to 2028

The Tele Dermatology Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 5% during 2021-2027. Remote dermatology is an advanced method of providing dermatology services so that the primary care physician or dermatologist can help individuals by recommending a dermatologist close to home and impartial treatment in remote areas. Methods, methods of storage and […]

Peptide Therapeutics Market Share 2022: Global Trends, Key Players, Industry Analysis Report to 2028

The Peptide Therapeutics Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 8% during 2021-2027. Peptides are effective and selective signaling molecules that bind to specific cell surface receptors such as ion channels and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and trigger intracellular effects. They are used in the pharmaceutical industry to design novel regenerative therapeutics […]