Category Archives: Health

Breast Cancer Drugs Market 2022-2028: Industry Analysis, Trends, Growth, Opportunities, and Forecast

The Breast Cancer Drugs Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 7% during 2022-2028. Breast cancer is a disease in which the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the breast tissue occurs more often in women than in men. Breast cancer is the uncontrolled cell division of breast cells, the most […]

Behavioral/Mental Health Software Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Behavioral/Mental Health Software Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 18% during 2022-2028. Behavioral/mental health software is medical management software that enables counselors, mental health professionals, and psychologists to analyze patients’ mental and behavioral patterns. It also helps to suggest personalized treatment plans for coping with stress, depression and other […]

Animal Model Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Animal Model Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 6% during 2022-2028. Animals and humans share biological and physiological structures. Animals have a shorter life cycle. However, they have a high genotype similarity. Compared to humans, it is easier and simpler to control the environment of animals.Animal models are increasingly used […]

Veterinary Dental Equipment Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Veterinary Dental Equipment Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 6% during 2022-2028. Veterinary dentistry consists of steps such as adjustment, cleaning, extraction, filling, animal tooth restoration and other animal oral health care. If left untreated, dental disease can lead to tooth loss, oral infections, pain, and gingivitis, a type of […]

Safety Needles and Syringes Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Safety Needles and Syringes Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 5% during 2022-2028. The purpose of safety needles and syringes is to reduce the infection rate and improve the convenience and practicality of use. Safety syringes are equipped with a built-in safety mechanism and a detachable or permanently attached […]

Poultry Vaccines Market 2022-2028: Industry Analysis, Trends, Growth, Opportunities, and Forecast

The Poultry Vaccines Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 4% during 2022-2028. Poultry vaccines are an important component of poultry disease prevention and control. Vaccines help prevent certain diseases by boosting the bird’s immune system to produce antibodies to fight the invading causative organism. Handling and administration procedures affect the […]

Pneumonia Vaccine Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Pneumonia Vaccine Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 6% during 2022-2028. Pneumonia is a disease that causes lung contamination in one or both lungs by a bacterial organism, virus, or fungus. Bacterial pneumonia is most common in adults. Pneumonia causes irritation around the ‘sacs’, also called alveoli, which fill the […]

Optical Lens Edger Market Share 2022: Global Trends, Key Players, Industry Analysis Report to 2028

The Optical Lens Edger Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 4% during 2022-2028. An optical lens edger is a device that cuts, grinds, or cuts the edges to fit an optical lens into a specific frame. The lens edger edges the optical lens according to the dimensions provided by the […]

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Virus Vaccine Market Trends 2022 | Segmentation, Outlook, Industry Report to 2028

The Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Virus Vaccine Market size is expected to grow at an annual average of 5% during 2022-2028. Measles, mumps, and rubella are three common airborne diseases caused by viruses transmitted through the sneezing and coughing of an infected person and can cause serious complications or death in children. Vaccines for these […]

Rising Demand for Dairy-Free Igg Supplements Market Key Players, Growth Analysis during 2022-2028

The human intestine is particularly subject to infection from various sources in people with weak immune systems. Dietary supplements strengthen the body’s natural defence mechanisms by lowering the risk of infection. This supplement is prepared using human blood due to the high levels of antibodies present in it. This supplement has proven effective in increasing […]