Category Archives: Health

Ertapenem Market Share 2021 Growth Challenges, Opportunities and Future Trends 2027

The global ertapenem market is expected to grow at a significant CAGR during the forecast period (2021-2027).  Ertapenem is an antibiotic that is used to treat infections in the skin, lungs, stomach, pelvic, and urinary tract caused by bacteria. Ertapenem is also used for people who are having certain types of surgery which involves a […]

Cannabis Testing Market Trends, Size, Competitive Analysis and Forecast 2021-2027

The global cannabis testing market is anticipated to grow at a considerable CAGR of around 4.9% during the forecast period (2021-2027). Cannabis has proven effective in various medical applications such as reducing nausea caused due to chemotherapy, stimulating appetite in AIDS patients, controlling muscular spasms in multiple sclerosis patients among others. Due to their health […]

Rising Demand for Analytical Standards Market Key Players, Growth Analysis during 2021-2027

The global analytical standards market is anticipated to grow at a considerable CAGR of around 5% during the forecast period (2021-2027). In analytical standards technical development, innovative technology, and certified reference materials allow many laboratories to generate accurate and reproducible data by using reliable standards. Moreover, the material certified by analytical standard offers the highest […]

Urology Implants and Devices Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Urology Implants and Devices Market size is expected to grow at an annual average CAGR of 3% during 2022-2028. For incontinence, injectable implants are a treatment option. An injectable implant is a substance that is injected into the urethra to control urine leakage caused by weakness of the urethral sphincter (urinary incontinence). The sphincter […]

Healthcare Barcode Reader Market 2022-2028: Industry Analysis, Trends, Growth, Opportunities, and Forecast

The Healthcare Barcode Reader Market size is expected to grow at an annual average CAGR of 11% during 2022-2028. A barcode reader is a device that extracts information and data from barcodes and transmits them to a computer in a hospital or medical institution. Individuals may have access to confidential information and data. An increase […]

Cardiac Marker Rapid Test Market 2022-2028: Industry Analysis, Trends, Growth, Opportunities, and Forecast

The Cardiac Marker Rapid Test Market size is expected to grow at an annual average CAGR of 12% during 2022-2028. Cardiac markers are diagnostic tools involved in the diagnosis and risk detection of patients with chest pain, acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and acute myocardial infarction (MI). Cardiac marker testing primarily detects endogenous substances released into […]

Bone and Musculoskeletal Allografts Market 2022-2028: Industry Analysis, Trends, Growth, Opportunities, and Forecast

The Bone and Musculoskeletal Allografts Market size is expected to grow at an annual average CAGR of 4% during 2022-2028. Bone grafts are implantable materials that promote bone healing, osteogenesis and bone reconstruction due to their osteoconductive, osteogenic and osteoinductive properties. They are used in sports, trauma, plastic surgery, facial and spine surgery. It can […]

B-Hydroxybutyrate Assay Kits Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The B-Hydroxybutyrate Assay Kits Market size is expected to grow at an annual average CAGR of 4% during 2022-2028. β-Hydroxybutyrate is the most abundant ketone body in the blood (~78%). Blood ketone bodies can be measured and monitored by quantification of the predominant β-hydroxybutyrate in the blood using a β-hydroxybutyrate (ketone body) assay kit.There are […]

ASRs and RUOs Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The ASRs and RUOs Market size is expected to grow at an annual average CAGR of 5% during 2022-2028. Continued R&D efforts to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with coronavirus have increased the demand for diagnostic tests using ASR and RUO. The human health care segment is shown to dominate the revenue share in […]

Safety Lancet Market Research Report 2022-2028 | Share, Global Trends, Key Players, Growth Analysis

The Safety Lancet Market size is expected to grow at an annual average CAGR of 11% during 2022-2028. A lancet is a small medical instrument used to draw capillary blood. A blood lancet is similar to a small scalpel, but has a double-edged blade or needle. A lancet is used to make a fingerstick-like hole […]