Category Archives: Biotechnology

Global Lab-On-a-Chip Market 2021 Growth, COVID Impact, Trends Analysis Report 2027

A Lab on a Chip market (LOC) is a device which integrate fluidics, electronics, optics and biosensors on to a chip. LoC is a device which basically scale down the single or multiple laboratory functions into chip-format. It acts as a mini laboratory and allows to perform several diagnosis experiments. One of the key features […]

Global Cryonics Technology Market to 2027, Future Outlook, COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Forecast 2021-2027

Cryopreservation system a technology used for the preservation of living cells and tissues at very low temperature. Cryonics/cryopreservation is the result of rapid development of science and technology in healthcare sector. Cryopreservation can be attain by slow freezing, vitrification and ultra-rapid freezing methods. Cryonics technology adopted by medical sector to preserve living body organs which […]