With Rising Interest in Conserving Nature & Culture, ‘Green’ Burials Are Gaining Ground Among Environmentalists

Despite “green” burials are becoming increasingly available in the countries of North America, some older eco-conscious adults remain unaware of the option when planning for their deaths. As per the study conducted by Society for Science, when researchers have asked older environmental activists that what they have planned with their bodies after death? Many were unaware of “green” burial options. Green burials are the best way to maintain the courtesy of nature and culture simultaneously. This is due to the facts that the green burials don’t make use of concrete vault; embalm bodies; or pesticides; or fertilizers at gravesites. In case of green buried, dead bodies are buried in a biodegradable container sort of a pinewood or wicker casket, or a cotton or silk shroud.

Proponents of the tiny but growing trend argue it’s more environmentally friendly and in line with how burials were done before the invention of the fashionable funeral parlor industry.
But when researchers asked 20 residents of Lawrence, Kan., over the age of 60 who identify as environmentalists if that they had considered green burial, most hadn’t heard of the practice. That’s despite the very fact that green burial had been available in Lawrence for nearly a decade at the time. Quite half the survey participants planned on cremation, as they viewed as eco-friendliest option, the team reported on January 26 in Mortality.

In 2008, Lawrence became the primary US city to permit green burials during a publicly owned cemetery. Several years later, at a gathering of an interfaith ecological community organization within the city, sociologist Paul Stock of the University of Kansas in Lawrence and his colleague Mary Kate Dennis noticed that the majority of the attendees were older adults. These people “live and breathe their environmentalism,” says Dennis, researcher at the University of Manitoba in Canada. The growing popularity of cremation can be traced to a number of factors which includes affordability and concerns about traditional burial’s environmental impacts. But also, the fact cannot be neglected that the cremation has its own environmental cost. It might cost in releasing hundreds of kilograms of carbon dioxide into the air per body. Therefore, the rising interest of environmentalists in conservation of nature is promoting the adoption of green burials at a large scale.

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