As An NFT, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s First Tweet Sold For $2.9 Million

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sold his first NFT tweet for more than $2.9 million dollars. The tweet is in the form of a non-fungible token (NFT), which is a type of one-of-a-kind digital asset that has gained a lot of traction in 2021. Each NFT has its own blockchain-based computerized signature that goes about as a public record, that permits anybody to check the resource’s realness and possession. A NFT is a one-of-a-kind digital asset secured on a blockchain that has gained traction this year as cryptocurrencies have grown in popularity. Each NFT has its own signature that can be checked in the public ledger and is unique.

When someone buys an NFT, they gain ownership of one-of-a-kind token on the blockchain. When someone purchases an image, a meme, or, in this case, a tweet, they are not purchasing the content itself. In fact, they don’t own the artwork and don’t have any control over the distribution rights. Instead, they’re purchasing the rights to the one-of-a-kind token that links their name to the work of art. According to Tom C.W. Lin, a teacher at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, a NFTs esteem is to a great extent inferred as an element of shortage and hypothesis. Aside from those variables, a NFT has almost no natural worth.

Dorsey’s tweet was auctioned off on Valuables, a platform run by Cent, a blockchain-based social media network. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has also listed a tweet on the platform, but has yet to sell it. Dorsey sent his first tweet on March 21, 2006, with the message just setting up “my twitter”.

The NFT was auctioned off on a platform called Valuables, which is owned by Cent, a corporation headquartered in the United States. Cameron Hejazi, the CEO and co-founder of Cent, confirmed that it was purchased with the cryptocurrency Ether for 1630.5825601 ETH, which was worth $2,915,835.47 at the time of sale. Sina Estavi is the buyer, according to Cent. As indicated by Estavi’s Twitter profile, @sinaEstavi, he is the CEO of the blockchain firm Bridge Oracle and is settled in Malaysia. When requested remark on the buy, Estavi revealed to Reuters that he was grateful.

Dorsey, a bitcoin aficionado, tweeted a connect to the site where the NFT was available to be purchased on March 6. On March 9, he said in another tweet that the closeout continues would be changed over to bitcoin and gave to individuals in Africa influenced by COVID-19.

Dorsey gets 95% of the primary sale proceeds, while Cent gets 5%. As percent CEO Cameron Hejazi, his foundation permits individuals to communicate their help for a tweet in manners other than preferring, remarking, and retweeting. These assets may increase in value or decrease in value, but what will remain is the ledger and the history of ‘I bought this from you at this time,’ which will be in the memory of both the buyer and the seller, as well as the public spectators, Hejazi said.

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