Tensions over Indian farm laws: Sikhs attacked in Sydney

The Indian community in Australia appears to be divided over controversial farm laws in India. When their car was assaulted in Sydney, last Sunday, a group of Sikh men allegedly became victims of a hate crime. Law enforcement agencies suspect the attack was the product of growing tensions between the Sikh community and supporters of the Indian government over Sikh-led protests against the Centre’s controversial new agriculture laws, according to local media reports. According to CCTV footage obtained by Australia’s 7 news, a group of unidentified men smashed the car with baseball bats and hammers while the Sikh men were still inside.

The victims escaped with minor injuries, but the car was badly damaged in the attack. The incident occurred last week in Harris Park in Sydney’s west, where hate crimes have been on the rise recently, according to police. One of the victims told an Australian news channel, “They bashed the car from every side and anyone could be assassinated.”

Several restaurants and temples in Sydney’s west have claimed to have been caught in the political crossfire, according to the local news agencies. Crime and vandalism have been on the rise in recent years. Area leaders have been contacted by local authorities in an attempt to mediate between the two parties. We just want this to be settled in a peaceful manner. Don’t squabble with one another. “It’s as if Indians are battling Indians,” Kamal Singh, an Indian resident, told the news channel. “It’s just a small percentage of the population. But my message to them is that the NSW Police will not tolerate it under any circumstances,” Assistant Police Commissioner Peter Thurtell said.

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